Tom Northey - Co-Owner

As a young adult, while teaching karate at his own school, Tom met a new student who also happened to be a PADI scuba instructor. Tom made a deal with the student to exchange karate classes for scuba classes. The deal helped him to realize two goals in his life that had stayed with him since that first underwater experience at age 10; to become a scuba diver and to use his diving skills as a source of income.
After becoming a certified scuba diver in 1982, Tom became a swimming pool servicing contractor capable of making repairs under water. Several years later, when a dive shop opened in his home town of Fernandina Beach, Florida he decided to work his way up through the ranks. Tom became a master scuba diver in 1990. While working on becoming a master scuba diver he crossed over from the recreational side of scuba diving to the professional side, eventually becoming a Divemaster, Assistant Instructor, Open Water Scuba Instructor, Master Scuba Diving Trainer, and in 1994, a Master Scuba Instructor.
Tom was the chief scuba instructor for Aqua Explorers Dive Center in Fernandina Beach for over eight years as well as past President of and instructor for the Nassau County Volunteer Dive Rescue Team. He also worked as The Scuba Operations Director for Sun Swept Oceans Resorts on the island of St Lucia.
Tom has a passion for scuba diving and enjoys training students to become safe divers so they can discover the wonderful world under water.